Anglesey Wedding at home

 An Anglesey Wedding at home

A feel good wedding, no, scratch that, a feel great wedding, an Anglesey wedding at home that felt like the best summer party you’ve ever been invited to, that’s what Katherine and Ian achieved.

Weddings at home

They are alot of work, it’s utterley charming though when you can feel a family have brought a celebration together. Exchanging vows under an apple tree that you played under as a child, walking towards your intended over names pressed into a concrete path, singing adapted ‘Sound of Music’ songs, it was all magic. Oh, not to mention the rota to man the bar, that was a hoot when the Mum’s took over.

Planning a home wedding

Is exactly what my family are doing at the moment, our daughter is to be married June this year. I thought we had everything in place until I heard the band that Katherine and Ian had booked; Back Chat Brass. I sent a link to my daughter and said blow the budget , we have to have them. Weddings do this to you, thank goodness they weren’t available. If you haven’t booked music yet, go have a listen to them, they are so exciting and such a unique experience for your guests.


If you’re planning an unconventional wedding like Katherine and Ian then I’d love to be involved. Please feel free to contact me, we can talk through your ideas and I can tell you how best to use my time.  I’m based on a Anglesey and have been an Anglesey wedding photographer for over twelve years now. I’m so happy to talk about your North Wales wedding so don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re further afield. This North Wales wedding photographer is just so excited to be involved in your wedding day.

Click the button below to find out more about how I can help you or e-mail: or look through my website:

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